IT Health Check and Performance Assessment

Customized IT Health Check and Performance Assessment

Are you running into IT Issues? Want a second look at your IT infrastructure? Not sure why you are having IT problems?

These are some of the reasons our team are asked to come in and run our 15 point IT Health Check and Performance Assessment. This assessment is the best way to determine where you are, what is causing your IT headaches and how to fix any trouble issues.

After conducting this Assessment, we’ll be able to answer your top questions, such as:

  • Could you utilize cheaper and more efficient cloud computing technologies to lower IT costs and make it easier to work remotely?
  • Is your current infrastructure able to handle your company growth and goals?
  • Are your IT systems truly secured from hackers, viruses and rogue employees?
  • Are your backups configured properly to ensure that you could be back up and running again fast in a disaster?
  • Are you unknowingly exposing your company to expensive fines and litigation under new data breach laws?
  • Needing an outside unbiased perspective on your technology to verify it meets your company needs and future goals.
  • Are your systems optimized for maximum speed and performance? (we can tell you, 99% of the computer networks we review are NOT.)
Once we have a clear picture on the state, health and performance of your current IT systems, we’ll then deliver a customized IT Optimization plan that will show you how to eliminate every single nagging problem, enable you to work faster and easier and lower IT costs wherever possible.  

At The End Of This Assessment, One Of Three Things Will Happen:

You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, we’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch with us to let us know how you’re doing. You love the plan and ask to become our client so we can personally help you implement it ASAP. If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park ... and that’s a promise. Or finally... In the unlikely and unprecedented event that you feel like you wasted your time, and that we don’t find a way to dramatically improve your situation, we will refund your assessment immediately. No questions asked. Your time is your most valuable asset, and I respect that. To date, we’ve NEVER had anyone say that we’ve wasted their time, so we feel completely comfortable making this guarantee to you. Think about this... The “worst” that can happen is you get a free IT overview for “wasting” an hour having an independent third party validate and review the security, speed and health of your computer network. The best that can happen is we work together to finally take all IT complaints off your plate.

Simply Fill Out The Form On This Page
To Get Started!


There Is No More Professional, No More Capable IT Resource Than The Team At Creative IT

There Is No More Professional, No More Capable IT Resource Than The Team At Creative IT
We needed our IT system operating efficiently at all times and we could no longer afford to use an internal resource’s bandwidth working on IT-related issues. Creative IT was one out of three potential resources we vetted and they were an easy, clear choice for us. They were professional. They understood ...Read More

Keith Vest
The Variable

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Our team will reach out to coordinate a time and answer any questions you have.

Questions? Call 336.310.0277

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